Study Any Course Of Your Choice With Scholarship In Top Countries: APPLY Now For Scholarship, Permit And Visa


Study in Canada Scholarship for Int’l Peace Loving Students – 2018. The International Peace Scholarship Fund, established in 1949, is a program which provides scholarships for selected students from other countries for graduate study in the United States and Canada. 

Members of P.E.O. believe that education is fundamental to world peace and understanding.

The scholarship is based upon demonstrated need; however, the award is not intended to cover all academic or personal expenses. Examples of additional resources are personal and family funds, tuition waivers, work scholarships, teaching assistant ships, study grants and other scholarships.  The maximum amount awarded to a student is $12,500. Lesser amounts may be awarded according to individual needs.
Application Period and deadlines:    

Application Opens: 15th March, 2017   

Application closes: 15th May, 2017   

May 1, 2018: Last day to submit completed application materials from applicants already enrolled in the graduate program and school for which their scholarship is intended.   

June 1, 2018: Last day to submit completed application materials from applicants not yet enrolled in the graduate program or school for which the scholarship is intended. Last day to submit completed application materials for applicants who will be attending Cottey College   

June 15 2018: Notification of scholarship awards

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